Which is the most beneficial planet for wealth in astrology - Guru or Shukra?

Which is the most beneficial planet for wealth in astrology - Guru or Shukra?

Both Jupiter and Venus are capable of bringing an enormous amount of wealth to the native. Even any planet in Vedic astrology is capable of giving the wealth depending on its placement.

  1. If the planet is strongly placed and forming any Dhan yoga or related to the 2nd,4th or 11th house can give wealth during its period.
  2. No planet can give wealth as soon as Rahu can give. As I already answered in some quora question that Rahu can turn a beggar into a millionaire within a couple of seconds.
  3. No planet delays in giving the wealth as much as Saturn does.
  4. Venus and Jupiter, both are the natural significator of wealth and luxury.