when is the best time to get married in year 2025?
The best time to get married in 2025, based on Vedic astrology, falls during auspicious Muhurat periods, which depend on planetary alignments. Favorable months are January, February, April, May, November, and December. Key dates include January 15–22, February 12–21, May 6–20 and November 10–24. Always consult a personal astrologer for compatibility with your zodiac signs and specific birth charts to finalize the date. Avoid eclipses and retrograde Mercury phases.
In 2025, auspicious wedding dates are concentrated in January, February, April, May, November, and December, with favorable periods like January 15–22 and May 6–20. These align with ideal planetary positions. Consult your astrologer to match these with your birth charts for the most harmonious and prosperous timing.
The most favorable periods are in April and May 2025. Some other lucky dates to get married are February 1, 2, 9 and 26 and March 5 and 6. For precise timings and compatibility with your horoscope, consult a qualified astrologer to align the date with planetary positions and Nakshatras for the couple’s harmony and prosperity.
The most favorable dates to get married in 2025 based on Hindu Panchang are:
- January: 16, 24-25
- February: 2-3, 14-15, 23
- March: 2, 6, 12
- April: 14, 20, 30
- May (most auspicious): 1, 8-10, 23-24, 28
- June: 2, 7-9