What astrological placements/planets etc, affects intelligence?

Many of the Asrologers have pointed out to my parents that according to the placements of planets in my birth chart i am going to be very intelligent but my grades in school begs to differ from that will i really be intelligent as they have told or not, i am really confused?

Hello guys ,
as every astrologer says that no one planet can tell you about one’s intelligence. Here are the two of them which I personally believe have a great impact.

Mercury - he is a constant learner , he always obsessed to learn / know something . If someone is able to grasp and work with new knowledge very well, it’s an indication that their mercury is well placed and working.

Jupiter - Jupiter is teacher. He should know what he is gonna teach and more than that. If someone has raw knowledge about something they like and if they learn one thing they do it completely. This signifies that their Jupiter is good. These are the top 2 planets you should see for intelligence.

You can also check and give some preference to Mars and Venus as well.
Mars - Good mars can help you pursue engineering and instill that problem solving instinct.
Venus - Whereas if you have good venus placement, you will be more interested in arts, love entertainment .

These are the planets that can tell about your intelligence and the fields on your interests.

I think each and everyone has innate intelligence in some or other aspects of their personality, but depending on your aspects and planetary positions, it can tell you how you can optimally utilize your intelligence

I had a friend named Aanya, and she has a pretty interesting astrological story. Since, she was strongly influenced by Jupiter, she had a curious nature who liked to learn new things. During her young days, she was really good at school and that stood out because she was smart.
As Aanya got older, she kept loving to learn new things. Jupiter’s influence became even more evident as she was easily able to grasp difficult ideas and could see life from a wider perspective.
Aanya didn’t just learn for herself; she became known for being smart in both school and work. That’s a really great thing to have to be honest. Her talent used to be in understanding minute details and still able to see the big picture.
In our time together, Aanya became like a mentor, sharing her smarts with others. Because of Jupiter’s positive influence, her intelligence helped not only herself but also the people around her.
Through Aanya’s story, I saw how the planets, especially Jupiter, can make someone really smart and helpful by sharing what they know.

intelligence can not only be measured by your grades. Again, even if you are intelligent, it doesn’t mean you will be very successful. You need to monetize your intelligence, then only you can be called intelligent.
My cousin had the similar story who was just not able to fit in any career then he saw an astrologer who suggested him to start mentoring others. And then, just within a year, his business skyrocketed and he never had to worry about money.