I have 7th lord in the 10th house of my kundli

Which house in your birth chart tells you about marriage and spouse? Is it the 7th house? I have my 7th lord in the 10th house. What does it tell me about my spouse?

7th lord in the 10th house signifies that your wife would be a working female.
However there should be no malefic effect on it.
10th house is 4th from 7th house which represents home for 7th house. This is good placement.
But we will need to check the navamsa chart as well to confirm the predictions of natal chart.
Basically, 7th lord depicts your spouse and from 10th lord, you can get idea about individual’s profession.

In Vedic astrology, the 7th lord in the 10th house can mean a strong connection between your marriage and career.
It can suggest that the spouse may have an influence on the native’s career. This can also mean that the person can meet their spouse during their work life or social status.
Though, inferences of your houses and lords placements can vary. It’s always important to show your birth chart and take advice from an experienced astrologer for a personalized reading.

7th house in your birth chart is related to marriage, love life, friendships and relationships outside of the family, business alliances, the kind of people we interact with, stardom, and our popularity.
On the other hand, the 10th house gives an idea about profession, your public image, fame, power, influence, and the relationship with the father.
In general, if you have the 7th house lord in your 10th house, there’s a high chance you will look at your love life the same way as you look at your career.
The opinion of the others regarding your partner & your relationship would be important to you. And so, your tendency to marry a successful person would be more.
Having 7th house lord in your 10th house gives an indication that your spouse would be famous, it will be a status symbol for you, they would be career oriented, and they could be working in a high position role, and could also be in the same line of work like you.
Feel free to ask more questions.

Having this placement in your birth chart can mean that you will meet your spouse at the place of your work.
Chances of getting a career oriented spouse who is ambitious and goal oriented are high. They will like to become the center of attraction.