2nd lord in 3rd house health and marriage

How is the overall life of the person who has 2nd lord in 3rd house. Are they wealthy or rich? Do they have health issues? Most important how is their marriage or married life

In general, 2nd lord in 3rd house means that the person’s possessions and fortune are increasing as a result of his own hard work. You may discover this kind of position on charts of businessmen and entrepreneurs. These are the individuals who repeatedly take jobs, lose them, then take jobs again and lose them again, with no clear explanation for why they aren’t staying in one position long-term. It’s because their intended usage isn’t in an employment setting. This is when self-work becomes crucial.

Because the 2nd house is ruled by the 3rd house, which is 2nd from the 2nd house, the 2nd house will naturally have more strength in accordance with the bhavat bhavam. Thus, the inherent significance of the second house will increase. Thus, a native could be well off.
Third houses are associated with strength or capacity, therefore the second house lord in the third house indicates that the native will be able to make money through his own power or efforts, to put it simply.
Due to the wealth lord’s placement in the third house (2nd lord in 3rd house), which is occupied by younger siblings, the native may be able to obtain fortune with their assistance. Or younger siblings could be useful to the native in generating riches or a profit.

The individual who has their 2nd lord in 3rd house is bold, financially secure, and frequently makes money with assistance from siblings when the lord of the second house is in harmony with the ruler of the third house. They may be physically healthy and have exceptional speaking skills, which can be a source of revenue. On the other hand, a person with poor alignment may experience health problems or a shorter lifespan. They may not have a happy marriage and may have several arguments with their spouses on a regular basis.

When you have 2nd lord in 3rd house, significant wealth can be brought about by this placement, particularly through third house-related endeavours like commissions or deal-related revenue. This location is common in the charts of commission and real estate agents.

When you have 2nd lord in 3rd house, significant wealth can be brought about by this placement, particularly through third house-related endeavours like commissions or deal-related revenue. This location is common in the charts of commission and real estate agents.